

04 Feb 0 Comment


DESCRIPTION PETER AND JOHN BIOSTRUM is a unique blend of pure colostrum and goat’s milk sourced from pasture-fed dairy cows and goats. Colostrum contains high concentration of growth factors and immune factors, especially immunoglobulins that function as antibodies in the immune response. Goat milk is a natural food with high nutritional characteristics, especially for new-borns and growing children. The combination of colostrum and goats milk provides a beneficial source of nutrition for growing children, together with enzymes that aid digestion.   INGREDIENTS Each capsule conta

04 Feb 0 Comment

Colostrum MBP

DESCRIPTION PETER & JOHN COLOSTRUM MBP (Milk Based Protein) is a unique blend of whey protein, colostrum powder and milk calcium sourced from New Zealand pasture-raised dairy cows. These are natural sources of nutrients including protein, vitamins, minerals, and immune factors. The enhanced biological activity may help you strengthen your immune system, fight viruses, bacteria and parasites, help better your digestion, bowel function, tissue building and give you faster recovery in fitness and sport.   INGREDIENTS Each capsule contains: Colostrum Powder 335mg (NZ Source)

04 Feb 0 Comment

Biostrum Powder

DESCRIPTION PETER & JOHN BIOSTRUM POWDER is a unique blend of pure Colostrum, Bovine Milk Powder and goat’s Milk Powder sourced from pasture-fed dairy New Zealand cows and goats. Colostrum contains high concentration of growth factors and immune factors, especially immunoglobulins that function as antibodies in the immune response. Goat milk is a natural food with high nutritional characteristics, especially for growth of lean muscle mass and bone health. The combination of Colostrum and Goat Milk provides a beneficial source of nutrition for both adults and children, together with enzy

04 Feb 0 Comment

Goat Milk Powder

DESCRIPTION PETER & JOHN GOAT MILK POWDER contains New Zealand Goat Milk Powder. This milk is produced from grass-fed goats. It is a rich source of calcium to support strong healthy bones and teeth, and has protein to support healthy muscles. It’s a great alternative for those who cannot tolerate or who choose not to drink cow’s milk. Goat milk is naturally homogenised and has smaller fat globules, making it easy to digest.   INGREDIENTS 100% New Zealand Goat Milk Powder   RECOMMENDED DOSAGE Add 20g of Goat Milk Powder to 200ml of warm water and mix until c